I’m aware of Shane’s libraries, and in fact have been looking for an excuse to use the Myriad Tables Lib for a while, but unless you actually need table functions (sorting, selection and checkboxes, for example), I feel it’s a bit too much overhead in this particular script just to accomplish a static display of tabbed columns.
It is extra overhead, but not a lot. A little over 500KB in script size, but not much code. Apart from the use statement, I put this quick and (very) dirty code at the end of your script:
set theData to {}
set saveTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {tab & tab & tab & tab & tab, tab & tab & tab & tab, tab & tab & tab, tab & tab}
set displayString to text items of displayString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {tab}
set displayString to displayString as text
set displayString to paragraphs of displayString
set theHeads to text items of item 1 of displayString
repeat with i from 4 to count of displayString
set end of theData to text items of item i of displayString
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveTID
display table with data theData with title _title with prompt "Hear ye" column headings theHeads initially selected rows {} with empty selection allowed
Nearly all the work is getting rid of the extra tabs you've had to write code to add in.