On 14 Sep 2016, at 1:47 PM, Brian Christmas <
email@hidden> wrote:
I have no idea how to use NSUserDefaults, and copied something I found on the net, which has a dearth of information on the term.
You didn't search very hard -- did you search for "AppleScript NSUserDefaults"? Or perhaps search the two ASObjC books on your hard drive? Or even search for past posts to this list?
Here's a post to this list from February this year:
Code is (for posterity)…
on installDockIcon()
set theInfo to (current application's NSUserDefaults's alloc()'s init()'s persistentDomainForName:"com.apple.dock") as record
So I reckon the person who posted that might know at least something about NSUserDefaults. He goes by the name of Brian Christmas. Heck, I can see a post where the same guy used NSUserDefaults back in 2012. Maybe you should speak to him.
OK, I take your point I should not interfere, but if there’s absolutely no way I can remove a dock icon, just say so in plain terms
I don't know whether there is or not -- I haven't tried. I'm just saying don't expect there necessarily is, and stop trying to do it via the property list file, because that's guaranteed to be unreliable at best. If there is a way that works reliably, it will be via defaults and do shell script, or by using NSUserDefaults.
To do it via NSUserDefaults you can use something like this:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
set defaults to current application's NSUserDefaults's standardUserDefaults()
-- get existing values
set theValues to (defaults's persistentDomainForName:"com.apple.dock") as record
-- modify theValues to suit in here, then set to the new values...
defaults's setPersistentDomain:theValues forName:"com.apple.dock"
And what, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this......
Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged with numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
Sri Aurobindo