G’day scripters.
I tried building Mail Manager again after a fresg re-boot, and this time it actually compiled, but while it runs, it has an error.
The red stop sign says
/Users/OzSanta/Desktop/Build/Products/Debug/Debug/Mail Manager.app: resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
The list of files in the project is…
Base.lproj (a folder) Images.xcassets (a folder) Scripts (a folder) AppDelegate.applescript BrianTextView.applescript (code signed) BrianTextViewErrors.applescript (code signed) Info.plist Information.png Logo.png main.m ObjectWithFords.h ObjectWithFords.m OddsNSods.applescript Report Logo.png
I have no idea of anything that should not be there, but I’m getting warning messages about Shane’s ObjectWithFords items.
I could experiment by throwing things out, but I would not be sure of the long term effects if it compiled without errors.
The project is also taking a long time to Build, and I'm not sure the finished item is code signed.
Any advice please?
And what, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...... Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged with numberless trillions of forms So that it might find itself innumerably
Sri Aurobindo