Some ASObjC instructions make part of the job.
use AppleScript version "2.4" # Yosemite or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
on buildFullPath:proposedName inFolder:POSIXPath # appelé par une instruction
local |⌘|, theFolderURL, proposedName, theDestURL
set |⌘| to current application
set theFolderURL to |⌘|'s |NSURL|'s fileURLWithPath:POSIXPath
if class of proposedName is text then set proposedName to |⌘|'s NSString's stringWithString:proposedName
# If proposedName is an Hfs name, it's converted into a POSIX one
set proposedName to proposedName's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"/" withString:":"
set theDestURL to theFolderURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:proposedName
return theDestURL's |path| as text
end buildFullPath:inFolder:
-- Creates a new folder. There is no error if the folder already exists, and it will also create intermediate folders if required
on createFolderNamed:proposedName inFolder:POSIXPath # appelé par une instruction
local |⌘|, theFolderURL, theDestURL, theFileManager
set |⌘| to current application
set theFolderURL to |⌘|'s |NSURL|'s fileURLWithPath:POSIXPath
if class of proposedName is text then set proposedName to |⌘|'s NSString's stringWithString:proposedName
# If proposedName is an Hfs name, it's converted into a POSIX one
set proposedName to proposedName's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:"/" withString:":"
set theDestURL to theFolderURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent:proposedName
set theFileManager to |⌘|'s NSFileManager's |defaultManager|()
-- set {theResult, theError} to theFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:theDestURL withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(missing value) |error|:(reference)
theFileManager's createDirectoryAtURL:theDestURL withIntermediateDirectories:true attributes:(missing value) |error|:(missing value)
-- if not (theResult as boolean) then error (theError's |localizedDescription|() as text)
return theDestURL's |path| as text
end createFolderNamed:inFolder:
on sortAList:theList
set theArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:theList
set theArray to theArray's sortedArrayUsingSelector:"localizedStandardCompare:"
return theArray as list
end sortAList:
on replace:sourceString existingString:d1 newString:d2
set sourceString to current application's NSString's stringWithString:sourceString
return (sourceString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:d1 withString:d2) as text
end replace:existingString:newString:
tell application "Mail"
set theProperties to properties of every mailbox
set boxNames to {}
# Concatenate if required the name of the container and the name of the box
# I'm not fond of this part repeat with aBox in theProperties
tell aBox
set theName to its name
set theContainer to name of its container
set end of boxNames to theContainer & "/" & theName
on error
set end of boxNames to theName
end try
end tell # aBox
end repeat
end tell # Mail
# Sort the list of boxes
set boxNames to my sortAList:boxNames
# Select the one whose attachment(s) must be saved
using terms from scripting additions
set aBox to choose from list boxNames # returns a list or a boolean
end using terms from
# It's a boolean if we cancel the actionif class of aBox is boolean then error number -128
# Extracts the unique item of the listset aBox to item 1 of aBox
set folderName to "attachments" # Change the name if you wish
set downloadFolder to (path to downloads folder as text) # Don't change this instruction
set targetFolder to POSIX path of (downloadFolder & "the attachments")
# This instruction create the two levels of subfolders if needed
set attachmentsFolder to my createFolderNamed:folderName inFolder:targetFolder
tell application "Mail"
set selectedMessages to every message of mailbox aBox
repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
repeat with theAttachment in theMessage's mail attachments
set PosixName to name of theAttachment
# Builds the POSIX path to the saved file and convert it in a format accepted by Mail
set savePath to (my buildFullPath:PosixName inFolder:attachmentsFolder) as «class furl»
save theAttachment in savePath
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end tell