[Unfortunately this post is off-topic, responding to inappropriate posts by has/Hamish.]
I agree with you. I also expect "that posters will follow the norms of public discourse".
However, the "norms" today are not that of yesteryear.
So, let me say that I expect a respectful post from everyone.
I also expect the primary focus to be on technical solutions to using AppleScript, and other macOS automation tools.
This will be my last post to, or about has (aka "Hamish", <email@hidden>).
You have now lost any/all opportunities you may have had to convince me to accept your way of thinking about anything. I was considering use of your libraries, but no longer.
You are your own worst enemy. I have set an Outlook Mail rule to delete all mail received from you. I find most of your posts offensive and inappropriate, and I don't want to see any more of them.
It is fine to be passionate about your beliefs of what is the best method, best software, or best course of action. However when you indiscriminately defame others, you negate any technical arguments you may have been trying to make.
Best Regards,
Jim Underwood