G'day scripters.
First of all, thanks Shane for your advice. Turned out that the button used to display the changing images needs to be a momentary push in type, otherwise it can display the alternate image in the off state.
Now, this is a bit off topic, but it's associated with an Xcode project I'm writing.
I'm having problems checking whether or not an iTunes sub-folder playlist exists in a folder playlist, programmatically.
It's easy to check if a folder playlist exists at the root level of iTunes, but support seems to be lacking for sub-folders.
The following script returns {} as it's search value.
Anyone struck this problem before?
tell application "iTunes" if not (exists folder playlist "* ADJ Folders") then make new folder playlist with properties {name:"* ADJ Folders"} set mainADJFolder to folder playlist "* ADJ Folders" set theFolderNames to folder playlists of mainADJFolder (*if not (exists (folder playlist "* ADJ PlayLists" in mainADJFolder)) then (make new folder playlist at mainADJFolder with properties {name:"* ADJ Playlists"}) if not (exists (folder playlist "* ADJ Advertising PlayLists" in mainADJFolder)) then (make new folder playlist at mainADJFolder with properties {name:"* ADJ Advertising Playlists"}) if not (exists (folder playlist "* ADJ Promotions PlayLists" in mainADJFolder)) then (make new folder playlist at mainADJFolder with properties {name:"* ADJ Promotions Playlists"}) if not (exists (folder playlist "* ADJ Actual Tracks" in mainADJFolder)) then (make new folder playlist at mainADJFolder with properties {name:"* ADJ Actual Tracks"}) if not (exists (folder playlist "* ADJ Advertisements Tracks" in mainADJFolder)) then (make new folder playlist at mainADJFolder with properties {name:"* ADJ Advertisements Tracks"}) if not (exists (folder playlist "* ADJ Promotions Tracks" in mainADJFolder)) then (make new folder playlist at mainADJFolder with properties {name:"* ADJ Promotions Tracks"})*) end tell