I have another question that searching the net can't answer.
1. preferably users can't sort automatically,
2. users can drag rows into any order they want,
3. users can't edit entries.
Is this possible, and if so, I'd appreciate any guidance on what I should read up on.
tell application "iTunes"
# Now, check for and move ordinary Playlists
set thePlayTrackList to every playlist
repeat with eachPlaylist in thePlayTrackList
set removeName to name of parent of eachPlaylist
if removeName is "* ADJ Stored Playlists" then delete eachPlaylist
end try
end repeat
set theList to SelectedPlaylistsArrayController's arrangedObjects() as list
set theActualChosenPlaylist to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of theList
set oneRow to item i of theList
set end of theActualChosenPlaylist to chosenPlaylistData of oneRow
end repeat
set theID to persistent ID of (some folder playlist whose name is "* ADJ Stored PlayLists")
set x to 1
repeat with cyclePlaylist in theActualChosenPlaylist
set thePlayTrackList to (every playlist whose name contains cyclePlaylist)
repeat with eachPlaylist in thePlayTrackList
set newName to name of eachPlaylist
set theCheckName to name of parent of eachPlaylist
if theCheckName is not in {"* ADJ Stored PlayLists", "* ADJ Playing Actual Tracks"} and cyclePlaylist as text is equal to newName as text then
duplicate eachPlaylist to some folder playlist whose persistent ID is theID
set name of (some playlist whose name is "Playlist") to x & " " & newName as text
set x to x + 1
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell