Re: Sending Newsletters
Re: Sending Newsletters
- Subject: Re: Sending Newsletters
- From: Barbara Passman <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 22:41:56 -0600
I handled membership for one user group and we used email to notify
and remind members of meetings, etc
I created an alpha list in a spreadsheet (AppleWorks)
Kept this list updated by adding new members, removing those who did
not renew (after a couple of months)
I added a comma at the end of each user's name
one name per line in the spreadsheet column
I use Eudora as my email client and found that I simply had to
highlight the spreadsheet column, copy and paste into the BCC area in
a new message.
Eudora pastes all the addresses. And that was that
Sent the email.
IF something was wrong with an address, Eudora notifies and shows
where in the BCC listing of email addresses the problem lies. I could
then easily fix (sometimes the separating comma would get deleted ,
email addresses thus run together and Eudora can not complete the
mailing process)
Our MUG now uses our web site and posts newsletter "articles" on the
website. On special occasions, such as year end, a multi page paper
newsletter is sent via snail mail as in days of yore.
At some point in the upcoming year plans are to have a password
protected private web site area for members only so that the full
newsletter ( as well as discount"news") will go there with a briefer
version of the newsletter, sans discount information, in the public
area , as a teaser to encourage people to subscribe.
We also have a list serv to which members and non members subscribe.
Reminders are posted there by officers.
Hope that helps
My second user group, which serves a university campus, uses a
univeristy wide list serv to post information and news
Barbara Passman
At 9:10 PM -0500 1/2/04, MacUsers User Group wrote:
What does everyone use to send email newsletters and other emails to
all your members. I just had a big list of all my member's emails
and sent them out by hand in batches of 50 to send a newsletter but
now that we have around 400 members this is really something I don't
want to do anymore. What do you us to send emails to everyone?
Chris Wronski
President and Apple Ambassador
MacUsers User Group
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