Okay, is it just me or is there still no content online for ASTO, no content for anything other than English (US), or just my account? Also, can someone send me an address to send a question because the ASTO Info and help page which shows the info and help bubble and is completely blank. In fact, just about every page shows all the heading's and bubbles but are largely empty for me (logging in with English UK selected as English US in not available to me).
I've tried my Regional Liaison, but my impressions of Regional Liaisons so far for Southern Europe is...well I'll save that for another rant sometime. Let's just say that I'm trying to do my job as the Apple Ambassador for my group and it's been really hard to do ever since ASTO was "upgraded." I login and show no curriculum, no courses, no nothing, just empty bubbles saying there are no new course, no suggested courses, no new articles, no suggested articles.
Also, does anyone know if it's possible that I get switched from Germany to US? I've been trying this for sometime, but this is a group of US Military, DODDS, and US Military Retired and everything that I can access is in German. Just because we happen to be in Germany doesn't mean we're German.
If anyone has any helpful suggestions, I'm all eyes on the in-box.
David Stempnakowski Mac/Solaris System Administrator
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