Hullo everyone,
Our MUG, the Sydney Mac Users Group (SMUG) has decided to get recognized as
an official MUG.
We now have over 70 members, have forums, regular monthly meetings, at least
3 members to list as our Management Committee plus much more. Can you see
any reason why we could be knocked back? We are not prepared to attempt
recognition only to be rejected. This is why I want to be 100% positive of
success before applying.
Nicholas Pyers who many of you know from this list came up to Sydney to
speak me about what I'm doing with Sydney Mac Users Group (SMUG) as well as
my efforts with the Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG) which he is involved
in as the Victorian Rep. He said he can't see any reason why we would be
knocked back but after the disaster trying to get the Australian Mac Users
Group recognised (been trying since early 2004) I don't take anything for
granted anymore.
I would appreciate any responses as soon as possible as I want to get this
process finished ASAP.
I posted this same question to Graeme Moffat the Oceania Regional Liason as
well. I want to see if anyone can think of even the smallest thing that may
be held against us to prevent our acceptance. As I said I'm not prepared to
have my efforts rejected again for a 3rd time (AUSMUG has been rejected
twice and I don't want SMUG to be number3).
All the best
Greg Sharp
Sydney Mac Users Group (SMUG)