The club had about 75 members attending today's informative video conference on 1Password.
This is an important message about the meeting for Wednesday, January 23rd
Because of the Library program on Spanish Conquistadors we can NOT meet at our normal time
The NMUG meeting on 1/23 will start at 1 PM
This will be a meeting devoted to the iOS 6 devices (e.g. iPad and iPhone)
If you come at / about our normal meeting times PLEASE do not enter the meeting room as you might disturb the Library's special program
Now to NMUG's Classes
The Computer Fundamentals course on 1/21 is still open for registration but only a few seats remain available.
The registrar, Eckart, contacted those who had registered prior to Sunday with a confirming message yesterday.
I'm pleased to announce that I have enabled the web site registration "Click to Register" for Mt Lion which is a 2 session course ($20 ) starting on 1/28. The second session is NOT a repeat of the first session; it will cover items that were not covered on the 21st.
As warned previously, if you sent in a request for Mt Lion (or any other of the later courses prior) to this your request was put into the Bit Bucket (trash). You will have to re-request.
This is expected to be a popular class with more students wanting to take the course than our class room can support.
Thus registration will be on first requested basis
If necessary a Wait List will be maintained so requesters can move into the class if members have to cancel their attendance.
The link to the Registration panel for our web site is
The soft tabs across the top are Descriptions, Schedule, Registration, Directions and Class Notes (that needs to be updated)