Monday 6-May
- Gold Coast Macintosh User Group (Australia) - Pandora and Spotify; Battery Life; Dropbox, Evernote and Goodreader; Wondershare; Apple TV
- Sydney Macintosh Users Group (Australia) - TBA
- Virginia Macintosh Users Group - TBA
Tuesday 7-May
- Fresno Macintosh Users Group - The All iPad and iPhone Special Event
- appleJAC - iPad in Business
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
Wednesday 8-May
- Hershey Apple Core - Bob "Dr. Mac" Levitus Mid-Atlantic MUG Tour
- ApplePickers - Gordon Bell of Prosoft Engineering
- San Luis Obispo Macintosh Users Group - Tame Your iPhoto Library
- Apple CIDER - iPad 101; The Explosive Growth of Computing and Its Impact on Society; Electronic Waste and Recycling; Tips and Deals
Thursday 9-May
- Upper Keys Macintosh Users Group - Cutting the Cord - Alternatives for Phone, Internet & TV
- East Bay Macintosh Users Group - iPhone Photography Apps
- Port Townsend Seriously Laid-back User Group - Dashboard Widgets; Alternatives to iWeb
- Tidewater Macintosh Users Group - Preview
- Club Mac of Monterey - An overfiew of the iPad Capabilities and Limitations
- Seattle Xcoders - TBA
Friday 10-May
- Atlantic City Area Macintosh Users Group - Jason O'Grady
- Long Island Macintosh Users Group - Favorite iOS Apps
- South Essex Apple Link (United Kingdom) - Mix and Mac
Saturday 11-May
- Main Line Macintosh Users Group - - Bob "Dr. Mac" Levitus Mid-Atlantic MUG Tour
- Southern California Macintosh Owners-Users Group - Allison Sheridan on "Making Spectacular Documentation"
- Capitol Macintosh - CapMac Picnic
- National Capital Apple Macintosh Users Group - TBA