Monday 9-May
- Apple iClub - OS9 Basics for iPad, iPhone and iTouch; Personalizing your device
- Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group - Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus
- Portland Macintosh Users Group - Digitizing Your Media
- Gold Coast Macintosh User Group (Australia) - New iPhone and iPad demonstrations and feedback; Can an iPad replace a laptop or desktop computer; Streaming services; Printing options; Back to Basics...make a slideshow incorporating your music from Garageband
- Triangle Macintosh Users Group - Did 60 Minutes Fudge the Story?
- London Macintosh Users Group (England) - Lunch Meeting
Tuesday 10-May
- MacinTech - The Ins and Outs of 1Password
- Maryland Apple Corps - TBA
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
- Black Canyon Macintosh User Group -
- Santa Fe Macintosh User Group - Keynote, Apple's PowerPoint alternative
- Ocala Macintosh User Group - iPad Pro and Apple Pencil
- Charlotte Apple Computer Club - TBA
- Princeton Macintosh Users Group - Tips & Tricks To Make Your Images "Pop"
- Cowtown Mac Users Group - Favorites
Wednesday 11-May
- Apple CIDER - How I Cut the Cable Cord; NeuroSky Brainwave Headset
- San Luis Obispo Macintosh Users Group - TBA
- Atlantic City Area Macintosh Users Group - Drop Box and iCloud
- ApplePickers - Apple Mail
- Hershey Apple Core - Tech Talk Dinner
- Alaskan Apple User Group Meeting - Workshops by Noteboom Productions
Thursday 12-May
- MacPeople - TBA
- Seattle Xcoders - Meeting
- Upper Keys Macintosh User Group - Safe Computing
- Tidewater Macintosh Users Group - What to do when you start you Mac and nothing happens
- Bux-Mont Macintosh User Group - Open Forum Meeting
Friday 13-May
- Atlantic City Area Macintosh Users Group - Dropbox and iCloud
- Long Island Macintosh Users Group - Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus
Saturday 14-May
- Capitol Macintosh - CapMac Family Picnic
- Atlanta Cutters - No Meeting
- Southern California Macintosh Owners-Users Group - TBA
- Annapolis Apple Slice - TBA
- Main Line Macintosh Users Group - Bill Achuff Tips and Tricks To Make Your Images "Pop"
- Las Vegas Macintosh Users Group - TBA
- MACinAWE Macintosh User Group - Midland MacCamp
- Saginaw Macintosh Users Group - Midland MacCamp
- AppleWichita - TBA
- Hawaii Macintosh & Apple Users' Society - Annual Membership Meeting
- Suburban Chicago Apple Users - Digital Photos
- National Capital Apple Macintosh Users Group - TBA
Sunday 15-May
- Double-Click - Intro to Photo Editing
- MacGroup-Detroit - From Blah to Brilliant Photos in One Click (almost) with Topaz Software Plugins