Re: Precision of double
Re: Precision of double
- Subject: Re: Precision of double
- From: "Craig A. Mattocks" <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 03:08:03 -0400
On Sunday, September 30, 2001 21:22:51 -0400 Rob Rix
<email@hidden> wrote:
On a G3/G4, what is the range of values for double?
I had to port some code over to Mac OS X and I needed some floating
point precision information that was not contained in <limits.h>. I
dug up the following widely published routine which may prove helpful.
Of course, you could try something like double pi = 2. * asin(1.);
- Craig
"Cocoa makes simple things simple; complicated things possible."
- Ali Ozer, Apple WWDC 2001
* This file combines the single and double precision versions of machar, *
* a routine for determining machine precision parameters. *
* Compilation: *
* Single precision: "cc -DSP -o machar machar.c" *
* Double precision: "cc -DDP -o machar machar.c" (default) *
* [This feature provided by D. G. Hough, August 3, 1988.] *
#ifndef SP
#define DP 1
#ifdef SP
#define REAL float
#define ZERO 0.0
#define ONE 1.0
#define PREC "SINGLE "
#define REALSIZE 1
#ifdef DP
#define REAL double
#define ZERO 0.0e0
#define ONE 1.0e0
#define PREC "DOUBLE "
#define REALSIZE 2
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define ABS(xxx) ((xxx>ZERO)?(xxx):(-xxx))
* This program prints hardware-determined double-precision *
* machine constants obtained from rmachar. rmachar is a C *
* translation of the Fortran routine MACHAR from W. J. Cody, *
* "MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically determine machine *
* parameters". TOMS (14), 1988. *
* Descriptions of the machine constants are given in the *
* prologue comments in rmachar. *
* Subprograms called: *
* rmachar *
* Original driver: Richard Bartels, October 16, 1985 *
* Modified by: W. J. Cody July 26, 1988 *
int ibeta,iexp,irnd,it,machep,maxexp,minexp,negep,ngrd;
int i;
REAL eps,epsneg, xmax,xmin;
union wjc
long int jj[REALSIZE];
REAL xbig;
} uval;
rmachar (&ibeta,&it,&irnd,&ngrd,&machep,&negep,
&iexp,&minexp,&maxexp, &eps,&epsneg, &xmin,&xmax);
#define DISPLAY(s,x) { \
uval.xbig = x ; \
printf(s); \
printf(" $.16e ",(double) x) ; \
for(i=0;i<REALSIZE;i++) printf(" %9X ",uval.jj[i]) ; \
printf("\n"); \
printf ("---------------------------------------------\n");
printf (PREC);
printf ("precision machine precision parameters\n");
printf ("---------------------------------------------\n");
printf ("Base (radix) of floating-point representation : ibeta
= %d\n", ibeta );
printf ("Number of digits in floating-point mantissa : it
= %d\n", it );
printf ("Rounding/underflow indicator (IEEE = 2 or 5) : irnd
= %d\n", irnd );
printf ("Number of guard digits for mult truncation : ngrd
= %d\n", ngrd );
printf ("Largest neg exponent so 1+(ibeta)**machep != 1: machep
= %d\n", machep);
printf ("Largest neg exponent so 1-(ibeta)**negep != 1: negep
= %d\n", negep );
printf ("Number of bits in the exponent : iexp
= %d\n", iexp );
printf ("Most neg power --> no lead zeros in mantissa : minexp
= %d\n", minexp);
printf ("Smallest pos power of ibeta that overflows : maxexp
= %d\n", maxexp);
DISPLAY("Floating-point precsion (ibeta)**machep : eps
=" , eps );
DISPLAY("Floating-point precsion (ibeta)**negep : epsneg
=" , epsneg);
DISPLAY("Smallest useable floating-point number : xmin
=" , xmin );
DISPLAY("Largest useable floating-point number : xmax
=" , xmax );
rmachar (ibeta,it,irnd,ngrd,machep,negep,
iexp,minexp,maxexp, eps,epsneg, xmin,xmax)
* This subroutine is intended to determine the parameters of the *
* floating-point arithmetic system specified below. The *
* determination of the first three uses an extension of an algorithm *
* due to M. Malcolm, CACM 15 (1972), pp. 949-951, incorporating some, *
* but not all, of the improvements suggested by M. Gentleman and S. *
* Marovich, CACM 17 (1974), pp. 276-277. An earlier version of this *
* program was published in the book Software Manual for the *
* Elementary Functions by W. J. Cody and W. Waite, Prentice-Hall, *
* Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980. The present program is a translation *
* of the Fortran 77 program in W. J. Cody, "MACHAR: A subroutine to *
* dynamically determine machine parameters". TOMS (14), 1988. *
* *
* Parameter values reported are as follows: *
* *
* ibeta - the radix for the floating-point representation *
* it - the number of base ibeta digits in the floating-point *
* significand *
* irnd - 0 if floating-point addition chops *
* 1 if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the *
* IEEE style *
* 2 if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEE style *
* 3 if floating-point addition chops, and there is *
* partial underflow *
* 4 if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the *
* IEEE style, and there is partial underflow *
* 5 if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEE style, *
* and there is partial underflow *
* ngrd - the number of guard digits for multiplication with *
* truncating arithmetic. It is *
* 0 if floating-point arithmetic rounds, or if it *
* truncates and only it base ibeta digits *
* participate in the post-normalization shift of the *
* floating-point significand in multiplication; *
* 1 if floating-point arithmetic truncates and more *
* than it base ibeta digits participate in the *
* post-normalization shift of the floating-point *
* significand in multiplication. *
* machep - the largest negative integer such that *
* 1.0+FLOAT(ibeta)**machep .NE. 1.0, except that *
* machep is bounded below by -(it+3) *
* negep - the largest negative integer such that *
* 1.0-FLOAT(ibeta)**negeps .NE. 1.0, except that *
* negeps is bounded below by -(it+3) *
* iexp - the number of bits (decimal places if ibeta = 10) *
* reserved for the representation of the exponent *
* (including the bias or sign) of a floating-point *
* number. *
* minexp - the largest in magnitude negative integer such that *
* FLOAT(ibeta)**minexp is positive and normalized *
* maxexp - the smallest positive power of BETA that overflows *
* eps - the smallest positive floating-point number such *
* that 1.0+eps .NE. 1.0. In particular, if either *
* ibeta = 2 or IRND = 0, eps = FLOAT(ibeta)**machep. *
* Otherwise, eps = (FLOAT(ibeta)**machep)/2 *
* epsneg - A small positive floating-point number such that *
* 1.0-epsneg .NE. 1.0. In particular, if ibeta = 2 *
* or IRND = 0, epsneg = FLOAT(ibeta)**negeps. *
* Otherwise, epsneg = (ibeta**negeps)/2. Because *
* negeps is bounded below by -(it+3), epsneg may not *
* be the smallest number that can alter 1.0 by *
* subtraction. *
* xmin - the smallest non-vanishing normalized floating-point *
* power of the radix, i.e., xmin = FLOAT(ibeta)**minexp *
* xmax - the largest finite floating-point number. In *
* particular, xmax = (1.0-epsneg)*FLOAT(ibeta)**maxexp *
* Note - on some machines xmax will be only the *
* second, or perhaps third, largest number, being *
* too small by 1 or 2 units in the last digit of *
* the significand. *
* *
* Latest revision - August 4, 1988 *
* Author - W. J. Cody, Argonne National Laboratory *
int *ibeta,*iexp,*irnd,*it,*machep,*maxexp,*minexp,*negep,*ngrd;
REAL *eps,*epsneg, *xmax,*xmin;
int i,iz,j,k;
int mx,itmp,nxres;
REAL a,b,beta,betain,one,y,z,zero;
REAL betah,t,tmp,tmpa,tmp1,two;
(*irnd) = 1;
one = (REAL)(*irnd);
two = one + one;
a = two;
b = a;
zero = 0.0e0;
* Determine ibeta and beta a la Malcolm *
tmp = ((a+one)-a)-one;
while (tmp == zero)
a = a+a;
tmp = a+one;
tmp1 = tmp-a;
tmp = tmp1-one;
tmp = a+b;
itmp = (int)(tmp-a);
while (itmp == 0)
b = b+b;
tmp = a+b;
itmp = (int)(tmp-a);
*ibeta = itmp;
beta = (REAL)(*ibeta);
* Determine irnd, it *
(*it) = 0;
b = one;
tmp = ((b+one)-b)-one;
while (tmp == zero)
*it = *it+1;
b = b*beta;
tmp = b+one;
tmp1 = tmp-b;
tmp = tmp1-one;
*irnd = 0;
betah = beta/two;
tmp = a+betah;
tmp1 = tmp-a;
if (tmp1 != zero) *irnd = 1;
tmpa = a+beta;
tmp = tmpa+betah;
if ((*irnd == 0) && (tmp-tmpa != zero)) *irnd = 2;
* Determine negep, epsneg *
(*negep) = (*it) + 3;
betain = one / beta;
a = one;
for (i = 1; i<=(*negep); i++)
a = a * betain;
b = a;
tmp = (one-a);
tmp = tmp-one;
while (tmp == zero)
a = a*beta;
*negep = *negep-1;
tmp1 = one-a;
tmp = tmp1-one;
(*negep) = -(*negep);
(*epsneg) = a;
* Determine machep, eps *
(*machep) = -(*it) - 3;
a = b;
tmp = one+a;
while (tmp-one == zero)
a = a*beta;
*machep = *machep+1;
tmp = one+a;
*eps = a;
* Determine ngrd *
(*ngrd) = 0;
tmp = one+*eps;
tmp = tmp*one;
if (((*irnd) == 0) && (tmp-one) != zero) (*ngrd) = 1;
* Determine iexp, minexp, xmin. *
* Loop to determine largest i such that *
* (1/beta) ** (2**(i)) *
* does not underflow. *
* Exit from loop is signaled by an underflow. *
i = 0;
k = 1;
z = betain;
t = one+*eps;
nxres = 0;
for (;;)
y = z;
z = y * y;
* Check for underflow. *
a = z * one;
tmp = z*t;
if ((a+a == zero) || (ABS(z) > y)) break;
tmp1 = tmp*betain;
if (tmp1*beta == z) break;
i = i + 1;
k = k+k;
* Determine k such that (1/beta)**k does not underflow. *
* First set k = 2 ** i *
(*iexp) = i + 1;
mx = k + k;
if (*ibeta == 10)
* For decimal machines only: *
(*iexp) = 2;
iz = *ibeta;
while (k >= iz)
iz = iz * (*ibeta);
(*iexp) = (*iexp) + 1;
mx = iz + iz - 1;
* Loop to determine minexp, xmin. *
* Exit from loop is signaled by an underflow. *
for (;;)
(*xmin) = y;
y = y * betain;
a = y * one;
tmp = y*t;
tmp1 = a+a;
if ((tmp1 == zero) || (ABS(y) >= (*xmin))) break;
k = k + 1;
tmp1 = tmp*betain;
tmp1 = tmp1*beta;
if ((tmp1 == y) && (tmp != y))
nxres = 3;
*xmin = y;
(*minexp) = -k;
* Determine maxexp, xmax. *
if ((mx <= k+k-3) && ((*ibeta) != 10))
mx = mx + mx;
(*iexp) = (*iexp) + 1;
(*maxexp) = mx + (*minexp);
* Adjust *irnd to reflect partial underflow. *
(*irnd) = (*irnd) + nxres;
* Adjust for IEEE style machines. *
if ((*irnd) >= 2) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp)-2;
* Adjust for machines with implicit leading bit in binary *
* significand and machines with radix point at extreme *
* right of significand. *
i = (*maxexp) + (*minexp);
if (((*ibeta) == 2) && (i == 0)) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp) - 1;
if (i > 20) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp) - 1;
if (a != y) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp) - 2;
(*xmax) = one - (*epsneg);
tmp = (*xmax)*one;
if (tmp != (*xmax)) (*xmax) = one - beta * (*epsneg);
(*xmax) = (*xmax) / (beta * beta * beta * (*xmin));
i = (*maxexp) + (*minexp) + 3;
if (i > 0)
for (j = 1; j<=i; j++ )
if ((*ibeta) == 2) (*xmax) = (*xmax) + (*xmax);
if ((*ibeta) != 2) (*xmax) = (*xmax) * beta;