Re: Aqua Interface Guidelines & Close Window location
Re: Aqua Interface Guidelines & Close Window location
- Subject: Re: Aqua Interface Guidelines & Close Window location
- From: Ondra Cada <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 23:38:06 +0200
>>>>> Jonathan Hendry (JH) wrote at Wed, 19 Sep 2001 16:01:04 -0500:
JH> >The Mac OS X Human Interface Guidelines are accurate. The Close Window
JH> >command should be located within the File menu.
JH> Then why have a Window menu?
Mainly to make the application's window list accessible to user.
JH> Shouldn't minimize and 'bring all
JH> to front' also be under File?
Nope. They all logically belong to Window menu, _JUST LIKE "Close window"
JH> And what about windows that aren't associated with a File?
...for this precise reason. Under "File" (rather, document name, like
"Table" or "Sheet" or "Playground" or whatever the document is) there belongs
"Close document", which is something utterly different.
Ondra Cada
OCSoftware: email@hidden
private email@hidden