NSStream annoying problem
NSStream annoying problem
- Subject: NSStream annoying problem
- From: Philippe ROBIN <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 04:09:40 -0700
Help me please guys, I am really stuck with this one...
I am using NSStream in my development, and occasionnaly I need to accept incoming connections.
For this I use an addition provided by John R Chang here...
...to allow me to wait for an incoming connection on a specific port.
The problem is I cannot seam to close properly the listening socket once it has accepted the port and created the other socket. Therefore I cannot recreate a listening socket on the same port later on.
Here is the code with the callback first (where appearantly the socket is not closed properly).
Any help greatly appreciated.
------------------------------------------the code---------------------------------
static void _SocketReadCallBack(CFSocketRef socket, CFSocketCallBackType callbackType, CFDataRef address, const void *data, void *info)
if (info == NULL)
return; // !!!
struct AcceptCallbackInfo * callbackInfo = (struct AcceptCallbackInfo * )info;
// Remove CFRunLoopSourceRef
CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), callbackInfo->source, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
CFSocketNativeHandle s = *((CFSocketNativeHandle *)data); //CFSocketGetNative(socket);
CFReadStreamRef inputStream;
CFWriteStreamRef outputStream;
// Create input and output streams
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(NULL, s, &inputStream, &outputStream);
if (inputStream)
CFReadStreamSetProperty(inputStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);
if (outputStream)
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(outputStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);
// Perform callback
[callbackInfo->target performSelector:callbackInfo->selector withObject:(id)inputStream withObject:(id)outputStream];
callbackInfo = NULL;
+ (BOOL) acceptStreamsFromTCPPort:(unsigned short)port selector:(SEL)didAcceptSelector target:(id)anObject
// Build signature
struct sockaddr_in sin = { .sin_family = AF_INET, .sin_port = port }; // C99-style designated initializer
CFDataRef address = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (UInt8 *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), kCFAllocatorNull);
CFSocketSignature signature = {PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, address};
// Build context
struct AcceptCallbackInfo * callbackInfo = malloc(sizeof(struct AcceptCallbackInfo));
callbackInfo->target = anObject;
callbackInfo->selector = didAcceptSelector;
callbackInfo->source = NULL;
CFSocketContext context = { .info = callbackInfo };
CFSocketRef socket = CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature(NULL, &signature, kCFSocketAcceptCallBack, (CFSocketCallBack)&_SocketReadCallBack, &context);
// A second call to this with the same port, even if the previous connection has been completed and closed will return 0 (no socket created) why???
if (socket == NULL)
return NO;
callbackInfo->source = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, socket, 0);
CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), callbackInfo->source, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
// The callback must cleanup socket, callbackInfo, and callbackInfo->source.
return YES;
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