Re: Fighting Colorsync Monitors
Re: Fighting Colorsync Monitors
- Subject: Re: Fighting Colorsync Monitors
- From: Henrik Holmegaard <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:22:39 +0100
Glenn Kowalski <email@hidden> wrote:
mostly out of confusion about what state to
put the monitor in before calibrating. abcA describes the DigitalColor technology and how the
DigitalColor panel relates to the ColorSync Profiles panel and other
parts of the OS.
Method 1: Disabling the extension that handles Apples calibration--I
believe it's called something like "Applevision."
Disable Adobe Gamma and Apple's Default Calibrator, but don't disable
the AppleVision extension. The AppleVision extension is integral to
your monitor.
You can't actually calibrate these monitors using say ProfileMaker 3X, though.
It also doesn't help that these are older monitors I've been dealing
with that should really be replaced, but still it would be nice to
have a definite procedure in place for dealing with these beasts.
In the UK the Apple Publishing Alliance published a candela cut-off
beyond which users were encouraged to retire monitors from color
critical work.
Henrik Holmegaard, TechWrite
Stationay +45 3880 0721 - +45 3881 0721
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