Re: Monitor display in Photoshop 5 and 6 - solved
Re: Monitor display in Photoshop 5 and 6 - solved
- Subject: Re: Monitor display in Photoshop 5 and 6 - solved
- From: Joe Gillespie <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 07:37:10 -0500
- Organization: Dodge Color, Inc.
Thanks, everyone, for the help. It turns out that Photoshop 6 was
ignoring my edited monitor profile, as confirmed by Andrew Rodney's
suggestion to check the color settings for the monitor. PS6 had indeed
ignored my profile and chose to load a different profile. I selected my
original unedited profile, and PS6 saw it right away. On checking the
profile edit, I noticed the RGB values for white were 255,255,254. This
may be what Bruce Fraser mentioned about mapping white to white. I had
made a slight color balance tweak in Kodak's Profile Editor, and left a
little contamination in the white. After I changed the profile's tone
range settings to trim the color edit from the pure white and resaved
it, PS6 saw the new profile correctly.
Happy to report that PS5 and 6 agree on the color display. - Joe
Original Post:
We've been noticing that Photoshop 5 and 6 don't display the same image
the same way, even though the settings are the same. This is a problem
when calibrating our monitors - how do we know we have a good cal, if
the image is displaying differently, depending on which version of
Photoshop we're using. We use the same rgb and cmyk profiles, same CMM,
same intent, BPC off. Whether proofing is off or on doesn't help, there
should be some close similarity. Even the gamut alarm preview shows
different areas out of gamut, using the same CMM, profiles, intent, etc.
This is on Mac OS 8.6, CS 2.6 and 9.04, CS 3.01, with everything set up
normally, tested on several different computers. I even switched the
images to different sides of the monitor, in case my monitor is off from
side to side, but no change. PS 6 shows fuller quarter tones, and a
yellower cast.
From: email@hidden
Along these same lines, can someone tell me how to confirm that Photoshop 6.0
is indeed using the latest monitor calibration/profile? It was easy in 5.5.
How is it confirmed in 6.0?
From: Andrew Rodney <email@hidden>
To: <email@hidden>, <email@hidden>,
You mean the display profile (System Profile)? Just go into the Color
Settings and in the RGB Working Space, use the popup menu to show you what
is listed as "Monitor Profile" towards the top and you'll see the name of
the profile the system is using.
Andrew Rodney
From: email@hidden (Bruce Fraser)
Subject: Re: Monitor display in Photoshop 5 and 6
Yes, it uses the System Profile (prior to 3.0) or Display Profile (3.0 and up).
I asked Thomas Knoll about the reported discrepancies (which I
haven't personally experienced) between 5.0 and 6 display. He offered
the following as possibilities:
1. The logic to estimate black points from profiles has been improved.
2. The black point mapping itself is now performed in XYZ rather than
Lab space.
3. If the OS specifies a monitor profile that does not map white to
near white, Photoshop 6 ignores it.
In addition, all the display transforms are now directly from
document space to monitor RGB. In 5.x, the path was always document
space to working RGB to monitor RGB.
In my experience, the differences in display between 5 and 6 can only
be detected by subtracting one screen grab from another. But others
experiences may, of course, vary.
Dodge Color, Inc.
4827 Rugby Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone 301-656-0025 Fax 301-656-0435