Generic CMYK Profile
Generic CMYK Profile
- Subject: Generic CMYK Profile
- From: Roger Breton <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 08:13:27 -0500
100 % agreement here, John. Let us keep this discussion public.
Roger Breton
Laval Qc
Message: 14
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 16:47:54 -0800
Subject: Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 2 #664 - 14 msgs
From: John Gnaegy <email@hidden>
To: email@hidden
this thread is best
treated not as direct e-mail but as editorial prereading. So let's
take this off-line in a prereading cycle between...
I don't follow you as to what this would be a prereading of. I just
meant the list is open for suggestions, which isn't to say we're going
to change or planning to change or making a decision or anything like
that. It's always good to get feedback. I don't see a reason to take
any of this offline.
John Gnaegy