Re: PS6 Levels Problems
Re: PS6 Levels Problems
- Subject: Re: PS6 Levels Problems
- From: Chris Cox <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 18:12:26 -0800
At 10:12 PM -0800 2/9/2001, email@hidden wrote:
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 09:59:59 -0500
Subject: PS6 Levels Problems
From: Matthew Smith <email@hidden>
We've discovered what appears to be a bug in PS 6, and I'm posting it here
for further evaluation. Here's how it works:
You forgot about the "use image cache for histograms" setting.
It's smooth in 5.5 because that setting is on and you're not zoomed in to 100%.
In PS6 that setting defaults to being OFF.
At 10:12 PM -0800 2/9/2001, email@hidden wrote:
Adobe is aware of this situation, but their official position is that this
is 'normal' behavior for PS 6. Furthermore, according to Adobe, images
created in PS 6 are not compatible with PS 5.5 (and vice versa) because of
the different ways that the two programs interpret color (disturbing!!)
Where did you get that load of BS?
It shouldn't have come from any Adobe support personnel!