Re: Scanning with USM or not?
Re: Scanning with USM or not?
- Subject: Re: Scanning with USM or not?
- From: email@hidden (Lee Blevins)
- Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 06:00:15 -0400
- Organization: Digital Graphics, Inc.
If scanning with USM on or off affects your RGB image then you're really
not scanning in RGB.
Some high end CMYK Drum scanners offer RGB scanning but it's really just
a conversion to RGB after the CMYK image is made.
Our DS scanner does this.
Since USM is only applicable in CMYK, this is a tipoff that you're
scanning cmyk and having it converted to rgb.
I'm in a quandary over scanning with USM or not as we prepare to jump into
the world of RGB. We've scanned CMYK with our drum scanners forever, and
have always applied USM during the scan. The scanner delivers excellent
sharpness; much better than any digital sharpening that I've seen in
Photoshop or other utility. However, I've been told that RGB scanning
should be done with USM off, for better file repurposing down the road. If
that's the case, what software is best for applying sharpening, and can it
be done in a batch/server mode? Is this what most RGB shops are doing?
Thank you!
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