Re: Pre-Calibration of Monitor Hardware (Gain & Bias)
Re: Pre-Calibration of Monitor Hardware (Gain & Bias)
- Subject: Re: Pre-Calibration of Monitor Hardware (Gain & Bias)
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 22:02:14 EDT
In a message dated 6/7/01 6:20:39 PM, email@hidden writes:
Does anybody know how to pre-calibrate a monitor with it9s gain and bias
I think there must be a difference how a monitor is pre-calibrated hardware
sided before calibrating a monitor with a software like ColorBlind Prove
At the beginning of a calibration, you are always pleased to check the
Monitors Hardware White Point. But who tells, that the gain and bias
settings are correct?
OptiCal'sPreCal software (or the same routine built into PhotoCal) will check
not only your white point and total luminance, but your RGB gain balance, and
allow you to adjust it. ProveIt has a somewhat similar function built in.
C. David Tobie
Design Cooperative