Re: Epson 5500 inks
Re: Epson 5500 inks
- Subject: Re: Epson 5500 inks
- From: Roberto Michelena <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 13:29:22 -0500
"Oddly enough the different dithering in this printer reduces the
encapsulated pigment ink's metamerism dramaticly."
DO WHAT??? As I understand things metamerism, it is the effect where the same
colored pigments or dyes will appear different under different light sources.
I believe what's going on is that having smaller drop size (along with
good smooth dithering algorithms), allows for using more black
generation. Then black ink is probably not metameric (or at least much
less) and the overall print shows less metamerism because it has more
black ink and less color ink than the ones printed in the 2000P, 7500 &
9500 that don't have this finer droplet.
-- Roberto Michelena
Lima, Peru