Re: The color of QuickTime 5
Re: The color of QuickTime 5
- Subject: Re: The color of QuickTime 5
- From: Dan Reid <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 15:47:38 -0600
On Sun, 30 Sep 2001 10:54:56 +0200, Henrik Holmegaard
<email@hidden> wrote:
Dan Reid <email@hidden> wrote:
>Nope and why would you want to? No app will read the embedded profile today.
QuickTime movies play in the QuickTime Player.
QuickTime Player is an application wholly controlled by Apple.
QuickTime Picture Viewer will call the Display Profile set through
the OS e.g. when printing.
The issue is whether QuickTime Player 5 will call either the Display
profile or the RGB Default profile in ColorSync 3.X?
If no call is made, then this is a bug in QuickTime Player 5 IMO.
Not a bug as the functionality was never provided! QT player is a lot more
sophisticated than Picture Viewer.
If a call is made, but QuickTime Pro 5 has no provision for embedding
an ICC type mntr RGB profile similar to the provision made in
ColorSync 2.5 and higher to embed all three types of device profile
in TIFF and PICT, then Apple is not supporting Apple's QuickTime
format which is equally a bug IMO.
If a page layout program does not provide Colorsync support is that too a
Claiming that others should support embedding of ICC type mntr
profiles is vacuous if Apple does not support calls to ColorSync in
QuickTime Player 5.
I can tell you Apple is looking into using Colorsync API with Quicktime but
it is quite complex especially with OS X as different file formats are
handled by different media architectures. I have been able to access
Colorsync color matching with Quicktime but it is not seamless nor elegant
Dan B. Reid
Color Imaging Solutions Provider | email@hidden
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