re: Best RIP -- first impressions
re: Best RIP -- first impressions
- Subject: re: Best RIP -- first impressions
- From: Dan Reid <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 13:56:32 -0600
On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 23:26:24 +0100, "Martin [apple account]" <email@hidden>
We had a new Best RIP and Epson 5000 installed this week so that we could
retire the Efi and two older 5000 engines that are getting a bit tired.
Couple of questions for those of you who have experience of this RIP and
proofing combination:
1. What the hell is going on with the black dots in the shadow areas?
Epson 5000 needs to have a custom black curve generated so you don't get
"peppering" in the shadows. Force the black to start around the 60% mark for
starters and move towards 70% as needed.
My Efi prints shadows badly, so the Best didn't have much to beat. But I was
shocked to see some rather crude and large black speckles all over the
shadow areas of the proof. The results are laughable as some of the world's
most beautiful female models have suddenly developed pronounced 5 o'clock
Yup, that's the peppering issue. Not really a RIP issue here but more of
your profile generation parameters. You see the EFI has prebuilt separations
to deal with that problem.
A test neutral ramp shows a lovely neutral result from CMY until you get to
about 80 per cent and then you get a load of ugly black dots with a
coarseness of an 85lpi screen overlaid on top.
Since your installer is a novice. When he/she gets trained you can *tackle*
a base linearization to optimize per channel ink limits and dot gain curves.
I have not tried v4.5 yet so not sure if they have fixed the broken TAC
(total ink limit) problem. OTW build TAC into your profile instead.
How come the black dots are so big? And can we alter the RIP settings to
make this *GCR from hell* less obvious?
2. We have a Spectrocam and ColorBlind Matchbox+. Will this combination be
OK for checking linearization and profiling papers?
Not my first choice but should get you better results than the EFI by far.
3. We are using standard Epson inks in the 5000. We also use Epson's PQ
inkjet paper, DuPont Cromalin paper and DuPont Matte Proofing paper. How
long do I need to let the test strips dry out before measuring them?
Use the SpetroCam software to measure dry down. Measure every 15mins and
note any differences. Best of luck.
Dan B. Reid
Color Imaging Solutions Provider | email@hidden
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