Re: Photoshop 6 and odd CMYK values
Re: Photoshop 6 and odd CMYK values
- Subject: Re: Photoshop 6 and odd CMYK values
- From: Joel <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:55:27 -0600
From: "Peter Merck" <>
If you convert the RGB file to 4c with your profile and 255=0 then its seems
to me that PS preview is dropping the ball slightly.
I've had a slight problem with it's 4c preview (this is what I suppose you
mean by precalculated reading rgb/cmyk values in info).
It should be noted that soft previewing is visual. By-the-numbers is
reliant upon which profile (destination?) is being used in the Color
Settings dialog. I'd be thrilled if the next PS allowed an option in
Soft Preview to display the preview profile's numbers instead of the
Color Settings dialog numbers.
Till then, I use Color Samplers, open the Convert to Profile dialog
box (but don't hit enter) to see what actually is going to happen to
those wp/bp and other pixals...
joel johnstone - designtype
Color Canuck
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
(Asleep at the wheel of panic control)