- Subject: Re: ICC PROFILES
- From: Joel <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:39:09 -0600
Mark Hobson writes:
Hi, this is my first E-mail question ever!
Good on ya...welcome to the list.
What would you do if the RGB image supplied to you to convert does
not have a profile attached?
Just a few thoughts:
If you don't have an ICC profile which accurately describes the
originating scanner then you may want to try taking the 'Assign
profile' tour those of us in the pre-press world have to take from
time to time...I'll stay away from the politics of whose space is
better and just give you some polywog.
Gamma 2.2 RGB workspaces
EFIRGB g2.2 5000k medium gamut (EFI 1997)
BestRGB g2.2 5000k large gamut ( )
DonRGB g2.2 5000k large gamut (as above - )
Ekta Space PS 5 g2.2 5000k medium large gamut (J.Holmes)
Wide Gamut RGB g2.2 5000k large gamut
CIERGB g2.2 5500k medium large gamut
sRGB g2.2 6600k medium gamut (Apple version)
sRGB IEC61966-2.1 1024-point curve 6600k medium gamut (Microsoft version)
Adobe RGB (1998) g2.2 6600k (based on SMPT-240?)
Bruce RGB g2.2 6600k medium large gamut (Bruce Fraser)
Gamma 1.8 workspaces
ProPhoto RGB g1.8 5000k very large gamut (Kodak)
Apple RGB g1.8 6600k medium gamut
ColorMatch RGB g1.8 5000k medium gamut (based on Radius?)
...above is a my favorites list. Many yield similar results. Keep in
mind the most common general purpose RGB workspace is sRGB; not for
technically sound reasons, but for monster corporation hardware
software demographic ones. (oops! That's kind of political isn't it?)
I digress.
So, anyway, I usually start off with Adobe RGB (1998) 2000 version.
If the 'adobe red' appears I try Best RGB (g1.8 5000k), but beware of
wide gamut workspaces and their perceptual, sometimes wild
transforms. they can look good but hurt you too. Many of their actual
colors will even be beyond your monitor profiles ability to display.
I find a good visual convert then convert to Adobe.
If Best don't work I walk through (assign) in this order: CIERGB
(5500k) then Colormatch (g1.8), then Apple (6600k) and so on.
Happy hunting...
joel johnstone - designtype
Color Canuck
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
(A balmy -33c afternoon)