Re: BESTcolor and Absolute Colorimetry
Re: BESTcolor and Absolute Colorimetry
- Subject: Re: BESTcolor and Absolute Colorimetry
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 11:01:56 EDT
In a message dated 10/11/02 10:05:08 AM, email@hidden writes:
Is it possible that the implementation of BESTcolor AbsCol is unlike the
ICC's Specs?
This is certainly possible; Best's color management is unique in other
When I look at a BESTcolor proof (from CMYK to CMYK) that uses
AbsCol I get the impression that the proof only simulates the Lightness of
the Source media white point and not its Hue or Chroma?
Thats all that AbCol does differently from RelCol: apply the paper white of
the final output to the proof. Whether Best is doing the rest of your
proofing transform as expected is pretty much a seperate issue.
C. David Tobie
Design Cooperative
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