RE: Profilemaker Pro 4 vs. OS X
RE: Profilemaker Pro 4 vs. OS X
- Subject: RE: Profilemaker Pro 4 vs. OS X
- From: "Broudy, David" <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 09:38:04 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Juan Rafael Sus P. [mailto:email@hidden]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 9:30 PM
To: email@hidden
Subject: Re: Profilemaker Pro 4 vs. OS X
We had the same problem with PM 4.1 Pro and Mac OS X. After looking
around we realized the Spectrolino got out of calibration
when installed
in Mac OS X. We could read printer charts but not calibrating and
profiling monitors (same problem as you with the quality
indicator). We
calibrated the instrument again (by keeping pressed the Spectrolino's
key against the white calibration spot for ten seconds) and
returned to normality. After that we realized the ColorPicker
application crashed with the PM 4.1 Pro downloaded from the
GretagMacbeth Web site. After consulting we were asked to download it
again from the logosoft ftp site ( Called our
attention this package is named PM 4.1_Jaguar which we guessed was
specially designed for the Mac OS X 10.2. After installing it
all of the
four applications are running with no crashes at all. I hope
this can
be useful for you.
Thanks Juan, that is very helpful info. I'll give that a try later today.
only one of the Macs is running Jaguar, the other is using 10.1.5 both have
the same problem. But I'll try the revised version on both.
It'd be nice if Gretag-MacBeth could merge the two versions of PM Pro 4 into
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