Re: Panther, sRGB, web browsers
Re: Panther, sRGB, web browsers
- Subject: Re: Panther, sRGB, web browsers
- From: Chris Murphy <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 10:41:05 -0700
On Dec 13, 2003, at 8:45 PM, Roger Breton wrote:
This choice is so obvious I can't see why anybody would want to make
configurable. Of course untagged images are sRGB, that's the web
standard. What else cold you sensibly select in such a preference
I agree that there is not much other choice, for now? But, at the
stage of
adoption of the technological innovation that color management is, I
think it's good to hide that kind of apparent complexity from the
user. I am
all for making things explicit. I see it as important as allowing me a
to set my home page in my browser. To me, this kind of flexibility is
paramount. With time, it will become an automatism. But not now. I
think it
is too premature. But that's my opinion.
When it comes to untagged images, I really think that assuming sRGB is
better than giving the end user the option to assume anything else as a
source. If that were hardwired behavior, then people would be compelled
to embed the proper alternate profile in their images. Why assume Adobe
RGB or ECI RGB or Pro Photo RGB? Why not actually embed it? Those
spaces are so different from sRGB that it makes sense that one would
NOT want them assumed as a source.
But I might be convinced it's Ok to have a checkbox to turn off
ColorSync/display compensation/sRGB as assumed source for untagged
images, making it monitor RGB instead. But even that encourages mystery
meat RGB. I think Apple needs to be thinking rationally about most
users. Not a small segment of color geeks. Simple is better. Most of
the world treats untagged images as sRGB, therefore I think we're all
better off if that's the way OS X apps behaved as well. And if we don't
like it, embed a profile in the image. Apple provides choice by making
an easy to use system for the app to respect embedded profiles, and
pass them off to the OS which does the work.
So if you want that, use an "advanced" kind of preference that doesn't
confuse ordinary users like me who simply would think there's no
to be made here.
Yes, I am all for an advanced kind of preferences. As long as I can
some kind of control of what's going on in the browser, colorwise.
Chris Murphy
Color Remedies (TM)
Co-author "Real World Color Management"
Published by PeachPit Press (ISBN 0-201-77340-6)
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