Re: Eizo CG21" LCD -Problem getting even luminances among 3 monitors
Re: Eizo CG21" LCD -Problem getting even luminances among 3 monitors
- Subject: Re: Eizo CG21" LCD -Problem getting even luminances among 3 monitors
- From: Roger Breton <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 10:54:05 -0400
I have a challenge in getting 3 brand new Eizo Coloredge 21"s to
match eachother exactly regrarding the brightness. The software is
Colornavigator 2.0.1, meter is iOne Diplay, they are connected
digitally to G4:s. All parameters and target values are the same,
lighting is dim end even, no other calibration/profiling software
Calibrated and profiled they all look decent, the luminances are the
same by the numbers, but they do not visually match. Anybody?
p e r
There isn't anything in Color Navigator that allows matching absolute
luminance levels across a bunch of CG21s that I know of.
One option is to goto to a third party monitor profiling application like
Fuji Monitor Profiler which will allow you, once each CG21 is profiled, to
force all your CG21s to have the same absolute luminance.
How much difference in luminance are you talking about? Are you able to
quantify it? If you have ProfileMakerPro MeasureTool and your EyeOne you can
measure the Y component on a white patch in Photoshop in Emissive mode. That
way, you would have some kind of objective basis to relate the extent of
luminance difference you say you observe.
One another way I can think of (may not be the best) is to first set all
your CG21s (visually or instrumentally) to yield the same luminance using
the OSD. Then, in Color Navigator, only go through profiling and not
Have you contacted Eizo tech support already?
Roger Breton | Laval, Canada | email@hidden
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