Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 3 #1380 - 11 msgs
Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 3 #1380 - 11 msgs
- Subject: Re: colorsync-users digest, Vol 3 #1380 - 11 msgs
- From: mo <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 07:36:45 -0400
- Organization: moing
2. Implementation in various applications makes it really easy for
unsuspecting users to get undesirable conversions, merely because a
profile is present in a CMYK file. Example: several images with
different amounts of black generation, with their respective profiles
embedded in them, preserved upon placing into either QuarkXPress or
InDesign, handoff to printer who uses SWOP v2 if they use color
management at all, these images get reseparated using the Kgen in the
SWOP v4 profile.
I don't know of many, if at all, any printers are "normalizing" files by hand. The may be
doing some sort of conversion process in line with a RIP, but converting files, in general,
is a liability. Printers want to print, and not do prepress. I've heard it time and time
again, and when the crap hits the fan, and the fingers start to fly, it's an easy solution
to say,.........I printed what you gave me. If it's screwed up, you pay, not me.
It's pretty simple. Customers NEED to be liable for their own work at some point in time.
Everyone thought that prepress as a business would be totally absorbed into printing
facilities as well as ad agencies. (maybe in the mid west) Everyone thought prepress would
die. Well you know what? Prepress "only" houses, at least on the West Coast, are alive
and well due to that fact that ad agencies don't want to be liable for their own art. I'm
not kidding!
Not even the big houses want to be responsible. It's the American way. When you have a
million impressions on a 3 million dollar job and you are some half assed designer with
little experience in file creation, and has skated through your career on your good looks,
you bet they're going to pass the responsibility onto someone else. It's all a game of
Our shop even has insurance due to the level at which we play with the stupid ad agencies.
There is the science of which we all speak of, and then there is the human intervention
that screws it all up.
We need to circumvent the stupidity by paving a wide enough road for reckless drivers, with
lots of guard rails.
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