Re: ColorSync utility, round 2
Re: ColorSync utility, round 2
- Subject: Re: ColorSync utility, round 2
- From: John Fieber <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 22:07:11 -0500
On Jun 29, 2004, at 8:42 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
Those choices were made by Canon, not Apple. Likewise some developers
with multiple media type settings will only register one media type,
or "mode" with ColorSync Utility.
Well, yes. My whole post is about things driver writers can/should do.
1) Get consistent with the printer mode naming between the dialog
boxes and the modes registered with ColorSync. This should be REALLY
EASY to do. We are just tasking about some meaningful text labels
here. Nothing more.
I'm not a developer and I haven't read the development material on
this. So I have no idea how easy it really is to do, but so many print
driver developers are having problems with this that I'm suspicious of
documentation lacking somehow. Maybe it's a language barrier problem.
The documentation has some holes, but reading through the sample driver
source code it looks pretty simple. The names and profiles are
provided to whoever asks by a printerinfo ticket. In the sample
driver, these are just plucked out of a property list file in the
bundle's resource directory.
When the print job comes down the pipe, it comes with a job ticket
indicating what the print system thinks the destination profile should
be. In the sample driver source code there are comments like:
// Get profile ID from job ticket, if not there set to zero.
// The PM can override this ID when setting up the converter.
The printer module "knows" which is the correct profile ID to
use based
on the other job settings. The profile ID that is passed in
may need
to be reset to the proper one - hence a pointer to it is passed
Now, it strikes me if the driver has relatively simple controls, say
just media type, that map to particular modes for which profiles are
registered with ColorSync, the driver really shouldn't be adjusting the
profile that comes in on the job ticket. That defeats one of the main
purposes of ColorSync Utility, not to mention the purpose of
registering profiles at all.
However, if the driver has lots of knobs such that there is potentially
a very large set of "correct" profiles based on those knob settings,
the simple assign-a-profile-to-a-mode-in-colorsync-utility user
interface failst. In this case what REALLY needs to be done is to
arrange to associate a custom profile with whatever the print settings
were when the profile was created.
Again, this is really a user interface issue. It could be solved by
printer/driver vendors on their own, or in a more consistent manner by
Apple, but only if printer/driver vendors cooperate with prescriptions
from Apple. The evidence of that happening isn't good so far.
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