Re: Epson canned profiles
Re: Epson canned profiles
- Subject: Re: Epson canned profiles
- From: edmund ronald <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 16:33:47 +0200
If you wanna take this further, print a large target say at 1440 and 2880
using an Epson and the same profile - run it through your favorite spectro
(or even calibrated scanner) and check the DE. Discussing opinions with
Andrew is a big HURT ME button, but he is amenable to facts.
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 4:04 PM, Andrew Rodney <email@hidden>
> On Apr 15, 2018, at 9:19 PM, ben <email@hidden> wrote:
> >
> > On Apr 14, 2018, at 3:09 PM, Andrew Rodney <email@hidden>
> wrote:
> >
> >> On Apr 14, 2018, at 12:21 PM, ben <email@hidden> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> If Epson has finally solved that problem, good on them.
> >>
> >> What problem?
> >
> > The problem that started the thread: needing a different profile for
> different printer settings (resolution, etc.) for the same paper.
> It is NOT a problem. As someone who has admitted he's never used Epson
> printers, take it from someone who's used and owned dozens dating back the
> Epson 1200. Off hand I can recall owning and profiling in-house the 2200,
> 2400, 3800, 3880, 4800, 4880, 4900, 7990, P400 and P800 and I'm forgetting
> a few in between! I've also build customer profiles for literally hundreds
> upon hundreds of Epson printers. THERE IS NO SUCH PROBLEM!
> >
> > But back up a moment. Are you _really_ trying to tell us that, for
> example, Dmax is the same whether you choose economy ink-sipping mode or
> full-resolution soak-the-paper mode? If so, what's the point of the
> different modes? Or do users no longer have such options?
> I'm telling you what I told you earlier: you setup media settings and
> print a target, the resolution settings, (see resolution etc, your writing
> above) has NO bearing on the profile used when the target was made. Or
> speed, or finest resolution etc. You can set the target to be printed at
> 1440 and print at 2880. You can set the target to be printed at High Speed
> and not use that setting with the resulting profile!
> > Provide us some dE values for differences in the same package when
> moving said sliders with a RelCol intent.
> >
> > Wha...?
> You are posting on the ColorSync list and can't understand a question
> about deltaE?
> > If your profiling engine has parameters that you can adjust that don't
> actually change the output, what's the point of the parameters?
> You ask questions but never answer them.
> > And if you're just using off-the-shelf consumer-level hardware with the
> bundled software and its default values...why would the printer
> manufacturer need to hire you to do anything?
> Build the profiles: see the web site instead of posting ridiculous
> questions. Here it is AGAIN:
> > (Incidentally, Argyll's profiling engine lets you choose all sorts of
> things that can dramatically and potentially very usefully change the
> results, even with colorimetric intents. There's the standard observer for
> starters. For relative colorimetric, how quickly are you bending the
> neutral axis to paper white and Dmax? Gamma / shaper / LUT? If LUT, what
> color space? FWA? Illuminant? Observing conditions? Gamut mapping?)
> Then provide some dE values and don't forget, there is no problem you've
> invented with your inexperience with Epson printers with respect to
> profiles and the settings I've outlined above.
> Andrew Rodney
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