Downloadable sounds with MusicDevice -- does it work?
Downloadable sounds with MusicDevice -- does it work?
- Subject: Downloadable sounds with MusicDevice -- does it work?
- From: Kurt Revis <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 09:29:01 -0700
I'm experimenting with the MusicDevice audio unit on 10.0.4. It seems
that trying to change the downloaded sound bank has no effect. Is it
expected that this doesn't work yet?
I am calling:
AudioUnitSetProperty(musicSynth, kMusicDeviceProperty_SoundBankFSSpec,
kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &fsSpec, size);
My FSSpec appears to be good, and I don't get any error value returned
from this call. However, nothing seems to happen--I still hear the same
default General MIDI sound bank. Trying to get the value of the same
property always returns kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty.
Has anyone else gotten this to work? Thanks in advance for any ideas.
(As a side note: Why does this property use an FSSpec and not something
more modern like an FSRef or CFURL?)
Kurt Revis