This might be a CW problem but perhaps the error msg will give a clue as to how I can fix this:
I'm having trouble compiling myMacHeaders with CW 9.5 under OS 10.4. I get the following error msg:
Error : types that are declared in parameter lists ('ScheduledAudioSlice') go out of scope at the end of the function declaration/definition, this is probably not what you want (maybe use a forward declaration?) (included from: AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h:26 AudioToolbox/AUGraph.h:73 myMacHeaders9Mach-O.c:50 MSL MacHeadersMach-O.pch:23) AudioUnitProperties.h line 1128 struct ScheduledAudioSlice *bufferList);
I get the same error msg regarding 'ScheduleAudioFileRegion' as well.
Any hints? myMacHeaders project is like MacHeaders except I've included my own header file and the following includes: <Carbon/Carbon.h>, <AudioUnit/MusicDevice.h>, <AudioToolbox/AUGraph.h>, <AudioToolbox/MusicPlayer.h>, <CoreMIDI/MIDIServices.h>
This compiled fine under 10.3 and CW 9.4.
I've installed (and re-installed) the CoreAudioSDK from the Tiger 10.4 CD (Xtools folder). The C++ version compiles fine. It's the plain C version I'm having trouble with.