I'm trying to set a bigger frame size for my input device as below (error checking removed):
UInt32 m_IOFrameSize = 4096; // max we want
AudioValueRange audioValueRange; // get min/max range
theErr = mInputDevice.GetBufferFrameSizeRange(&audioValueRange);
// set as high as possible m_IOFrameSize = std::min(m_IOFrameSize, (UInt32)audioValueRange.mMaximum);
theErr = mInputDevice.SetBufferSize(m_IOFrameSize);
The code have always worked for both the built-in device, iMic and my M-Audio Firewire 1824 interface on PPC's but when building my app as an Universal binary, running it on my IntelMac with M-Audio beta drivers, the sound gets bad (crackles) if I set the frame size to max reported (1536 frames in this case).
Am I doing something wrong or could this a problem with the driver? After all it's called a "beta release" - the only one available.
Shouldn't I be able to change it into what GetBufferFrameSizeRange() reports as maximum.
Thanks, Rolf