Here's what I want to do: I want to be able to switch the currently selected audio input device (Apple audio input -> iMic) I found some sample code (ComplexPlayThru ) that does just that, among other things. I want to incorporate the switching into my app, so I added some of the files from that project to my project via drag/drop from the finder.
I only need to reference one of the headers in my project, (I think), but when I do that, I get a slew of errors pointing not only to the referenced header, but to the headers referenced by it. I'm doing something wrong here, I'm sure, but I don't know what. I thought one or both of these compiler settings might help, but no dice: Compile soure as: According to file type // All the files have the .cpp extension. C language dialect: Compiler default. // I changed this from the default to another setting and got the same errors
There are a number of C++ settings, but most of these were checked by default, I enabled others, but still the same errors. I've read on the list and in the archives threads of this nature, but could not find anything that helped. This might be more of an Xcode question, I have emailed that list, but thought I would try here again anyway. I got no substantive answers the first time.
Now, all I really need to do is switch the input device, so if someone knows of a simpler way to do this, I'm all ears. I'm sure I don't need all of this code, but I can whittle things down once I get a better handle on CA. TIA
Xcode 2.4.1 OSX 10.4.10 "Human beings are the only creatures that allow their children to come back home." --Bill Cosby
Lorenzo Thurman