I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties. The xcode template projects should work out of the box. It would be helpful to know what version of XCode you are using, what OS, and what host application are you running with.
Did you change any of the class names of the cocoa classes in the project?
AudioUnits with cocoa UI's are fairly straightforward, but there are many details that have to be exactly right in order for the UI to show up.
The problem most likely is in your nib file.
1) In the nib file, the file owner needs to be the correct class for your factory class that implements the AUCocoaUIBase protocol. That will be the xx_CocoaViewFactory class. Drag that header into the IB window, and change the "File's Owner" item to that class.
2) In the nib file, the owner classes' view outlet needs to be the correct class for your view and the outlet needs to be connected Drag the xxx_CocoaView.h into the IB window and change the class of the "uiFreshlyLoadedView" to that class and make sure the outlet is connected (from that outlet to the CocoaView NSView object).
Most likely that will solve your problem.
The easiest way to narrow down where the problem is occurring is to run AUVal on your audio unit and check to see if it is reporting a cocoa view. We can then go from there.
Hope this helps!
-michael CoreAudio Pixel Pusher Apple Inc On Mar 21, 2008, at 1:56 PM, Walt wrote: Apologies if this has been asked a thousand times, a cursory search turned up many unrelated results.
What changes do you have to make to the example project so that it actually displays a cocoa view? One rather assumed the thing would work out of the box...