My application hosts audio units, so I have no idea, or no way to debug what might be going on in the audio unit it self. I do know that the parameters are changing. I have a working function that dumps the state/value of all an audio units parameters so I can query them manually.
I have been testing with the dcmp/appl (dynamic compressor) supplied by Apple, so it seems unlikely that it is a problem with the unit. I have been manually watching the compression level parameter, who's value is managed/changed by the audio unit as an indication of the compression level it is applying to the processed audio. This is one of three parameters in this audio unit that have their kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask bits set, so it is added to my listener as an event to watch. I have stepped through my code to verify that this parameter, with out error, has been added to the listen. There are two others as well, but I have only been keeping an eye on the one for debugging. Actually, I'm kind of mystified why two other parameters on this AU meet the display mask criteria, but that's not my concern right now.
Compression level is an good example of the sort of parameter I need to provide timely feedback to my user on, so that is why I am testing with it.
Thanks, Ethan...
On Sep 26, 2008, at 12:37 PM, William Stewart wrote: Ethan
kCFRunLoopDefaultMode is correct; the listening run loop is definitely listening in that mode.
What is the AU / parameter? Who is changing it? Is AUParameterSet or AUParameterListenerNotify definitely being called?
Also - for the dispose, yes you can just call the dispose call and it will remove the listeners for you