I build an AU with a cocoa view using the XCode template. I'm trying to debug it, using AULab, but unfortunately breakpoints are only triggered in the carbon (i.e. the "effect") part of the code.
In the cocoa code the breakpoints have the colour that indicates that the code is not loaded.
My best guess is that it seems there's 2 copies of the bundle.. One in my debug folder, and one inside the AU.
How does the code know where to find the bundle anyway? I mean, I understand that GetProperty is called with kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, but in the template generated code there's no path or anything, there's just this code:
CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("com.yourcompany.cocoatest") );
if (bundle == NULL) return fnfErr;
CFURLRef bundleURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( bundle,
So, I guess there's a search path, and the AU is (recursively) included in the search path? Or?
Anyway, I'm not sure this is the cause of the my problem, just a wild guess.
Michael Olsen
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