Hi List,
My AU UI has a keyboard and I am trying to hilite the notes playing. I have it mostly working, but am looking for some advice or validation..
I am making PropertyChanged calls when the notes change and my UI is picking the events up.
Setting inNotificationInterval in AUEventListenerCreate() to 0.05 seems pretty slow. Is setting it to 0.00 going to cause any performance problems in other areas?
I have tried overriding StartNote() in my AU and sending the PropertyChanged() from there, and also sending out the PropertyChanged in SynthNote::Attack() and in SynthNote::NoteEnded(). They all basically work, but I am not sure where the best place is.
It doesn't seem super happy showing the note ons from the Logic Piano roll keyboard, unless I very quickly release the note, too.
Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks! Scott Burgess Bitnotic