Hi all,
After having fixed all bugs in our driver (hopefully...) we have not seen any crashes for over 14 days. Now we hit another crash. However it doesn't look like our driver is involved at all. From what I read this is lookupd crashing the kernel? Does anyone have a clue what this chain reaction could be causing? I have a core dump from this crash.
(gdb) paniclog panic(cpu 1 caller 0x001A3135): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 14=page fault), registers: CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0xc1c9c520, CR3: 0x016c9000, CR4: 0x000006e0 EAX: 0x04f85c34, EBX: 0x08b4bc20, ECX: 0x047bcae8, EDX: 0x25903d28 CR2: 0xc1c9c520, EBP: 0x25903cd8, ESI: 0xc1c9c520, EDI: 0x047bca24 EFL: 0x00010282, EIP: 0x0015ad7c, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack) 0x25903ab8 : 0x128d1f (0x3c9540 0x25903adc 0x131df4 0x0) 0x25903af8 : 0x1a3135 (0x3cf1f4 0x1 0xe 0x3cea24) 0x25903c08 : 0x19a8d4 (0x25903c20 0x5073e7f 0x25903d08 0x16552b) 0x25903cd8 : 0x15b26d (0x47bca00 0x80 0x53dc110 0x0) 0x25903d48 : 0x15b2f9 (0x47bca00 0x0 0x0 0x53dc110) 0x25903d88 : 0x16048b (0x47bca00 0x0 0x0 0x53dc110) 0x25903df8 : 0x160bcb (0xdc000 0x0 0x53dc110 0x0) 0x25903f48 : 0x1a33a8 (0x4953bd0 0xdc000 0x0 0x3) 0x25903fc8 : 0x19a804 (0xa135ea0 0x0 0x19d0b5 0x91086c8) No mapping exists for frame pointer Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb0407ea8
(gdb) showcurrentstacks task vm_map ipc_space #acts pid proc command 0x03d21da0 0x018fcf3c 0x03cebef0 54 0 0x004d2200 kernel_task activation thread pri state wait_queue wait_event 0x03d40c64 0x03d40c64 0 IR reserved_stack=0x25840000 kernel_stack=0x25808000 stacktop=0x2580bf18 0x2580bf18 0x1a42f5 <machine_idle_cstate+32> 0x2580bf38 0x19d871 <machine_idle+128> 0x2580bf58 0x135f23 <idle_thread+96> 0x2580bfc8 0x19a74c <call_continuation+28> stackbottom=0x2580bfc8
task vm_map ipc_space #acts pid proc command 0x03d1d360 0x04953bd0 0x03ceafd0 4 285 0x048837d0 lookupd <------------ activation thread pri state wait_queue wait_event 0x09cc7144 0x09cc7144 31 R kernel_stack=0x25900000 stacktop=0x25903ab8 0x25903ab8 0x128d1f <panic+382> <------------ 0x25903af8 0x1a3135 <kernel_trap+1538> 0x25903c08 0x19a8d4 <trap_from_kernel+19> 0x25903cd8 0x15b26d <tws_internal_lookup+270> 0x25903d48 0x15b2f9 <tws_lookup+67> 0x25903d88 0x16048b <vm_fault_tws_insert+210> 0x25903df8 0x160bcb <vm_fault+1564> 0x25903f48 0x1a33a8 <user_trap+610> 0x25903fc8 0x19a804 <lo_alltraps+164> stackbottom=0x25903fc8
task vm_map ipc_space #acts pid proc command 0x0490ebd0 0x018fc76c 0x0976c760 1 16885 0x042653e8 build_hd_index activation thread pri state wait_queue wait_event 0x04f48c64 0x04f48c64 31 R kernel_stack=0x25600000 stacktop=0x35987f58 0x35987f58 0x1a9530 <cpu_signal_handler+66> 0x35987f88 0x1a970e <lapic_interrupt+293> 0x35987fa8 0x3b9cfa <PE_incoming_interrupt+125> 0x35987fe8 0x19aa20 <lo_allintrs+192> stackbottom=0x35987fe8
task vm_map ipc_space #acts pid proc command 0x03d21da0 0x018fcf3c 0x03cebef0 54 0 0x004d2200 kernel_task activation thread pri state wait_queue wait_event 0x03d3e050 0x03d3e050 0 IR reserved_stack=0x256d0000 kernel_stack=0x25740000 stacktop=0x25743f18 0x25743f18 0x1a42f5 <machine_idle_cstate+32> 0x25743f38 0x19d871 <machine_idle+128> 0x25743f58 0x135f23 <idle_thread+96> 0x25743fc8 0x19a74c <call_continuation+28> stackbottom=0x25743fc8
Andreas Fink
Fink Consulting GmbH Global Networks Schweiz AG BebbiCell AG
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