I'm confused about the permissions that we set
in PackageMaker in the Contents area. I have version 3.0.3. Well,
permissions have always confused me so this is nothing new for
me :)
But what I'm wondering is what I should typically
set the Owner and Group to be. By default it's usually set to "Owner:
Andrew" (my account name) and "Group: staff".
Somewhere in the PM documentation, I think it
talked about it typically being set to Root / Admin, so that's what I've being
doing. But I have a lot of installs to make, and I change the contents
often, so I would prefer to just leave it at the default rather than constantly
changing it to root/admin when that might not make any difference.
I've done testing, and I can't see any problem
leaving it at Andrew / Staff with all the 9 boxes checked, but then again I
don't understand permissions very well... I just receive 1 warning during
compile "Warning such and such file is world writable", which I just ignore and
everything seems to work well.
I have tested the Apply Recommendations button
before, and I'm not entirely clear what this does so I just leave it
alone. Generally I get more "warnings" after pressing the apply
recommendations button.
Also, my installs have hundreds, sometimes
thousands of files in them so I can't be applying permissions to each file
individually (not that I think I would need to)...