Re: identifying AppleShare mounts
Re: identifying AppleShare mounts
- Subject: Re: identifying AppleShare mounts
- From: David Feldman <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 09:51:14 -0400
Thanks for the info and code. It sounds from what you're saying like if
my app only needs to work in OS X, I can do what I need to (identify
mounts). Is that correct? Is that the method your sample code uses?
(I'm not so great yet at deciphering Carbon networking code...any
suggestions about good intros to it are welcome...)
On Friday, August 1, 2003, at 02:31 PM, Scott Ribe wrote:
I have a file sync app that automatically mounts remote AppleShare
volumes (right now via mount_afp), and sometimes runs unattended on a
schedule. Sometimes these are volumes the user might have mounted
manually and left mounted, in which case my app fails to mount (since
the OS won't let it mount a volume that's already mounted elsewhere).
Is there any way, before mounting a volume, that my app could check to
see if it's already mounted?
If so, can it find out where the preexisting mount point is, and if
there's read/write access?
And if it uses a preexisting mount point, what's the best way to check
periodically that the mount continues to exist?
Ah, good luck ;-) The long and short of it is that the only thing you
can do
is look for remote volumes with the same name and hope that you never
multiple remote mounts named "Macintosh HD". For what it's worth
here's a
bug report I submitted to Apple a little over a year ago:
03-Jul-2002 02:50 PM Scott Ribe:
The task: I need my application to auto-mount an AppleShare volume,
presenting any user interface. I need this to work the same way on OS
X and
Classic (from the user's perspective--I don't mind a code branch). I am
trying to use PBMountVolume, by filling in an AFPXVolMountInfo to
via TCP/IP. Here are my results.
If the volume is not already mounted, PBMountVolume returns noErr and
in the ioVRefNum field.
If the volume is already mounted, PBMountVolume returns
and fills in the ioVRefNum field.
If the volume is not already mounted, PBMountVolume returns noErr and
in the ioVRefNum field.
If the volume is already mounted, PBMountVolume returns
and DOES NOT fill in the ioVRefNum field--this is where the fun
begins! I
thought I would iterate over the mounted volumes by index, get the
refs, get the mount info, check for equivalence to my mount info, and
the ref num of the mounted volume that way. No such luck.
FSGetVolumeInfo does let me iterate over the drives and get the vol
ref nums
for all mounted volumes--no problem there. But PBGetVolMountInfoSize
up under Classic. I thought perhaps it was a bad idea to call that on a
local volume. So I tried to use PBHGetVInfoSync to identify remote
But although it always returns noErr, it does not always return
correct info
in the ioVAtrb field. So next I used PBHGetVolParmsSync, and it does
reliably identify the remote volume (vMServerAdr is non-zero, but it's
the correct address--it is always 0x00000001 for the remote volume).
PBGetVolMountInfoSize locks up even on a remote volume. So I decided
to just
assume a generous size (2k) and skip that call. But then
always returns paramErr--and I have tried every imaginable combination
vol ref num & name parameters, and have set the reqCount field just in
case--nothing makes it work.
PBGetVolMountInfoSize and PBGetVolMountInfo work as expected under OS
X. All
OS 9 debugging was done under Classic. However, I did reboot into OS 9
verify that the program behavior was the same--using PBMountVolume
failed to
locate the already mounted volume while using PBGetVolMountInfo locked
It seems to me that the simplest fix for my current problem would be
PBMountVolume to always fill in the volume reference for an
volume. But the problems with getting volume mounting info could be a
serious difficulty in other situations.
Oh, and here's another I filed way back then:
09-Jul-2002 09:52 PM Scott Ribe:
If two applications call PBVolumeMount at about the same time, the
can be mounted twice (shows up twice in /Volumes and on the
desktop)--neither call gets afpAlreadyMounted as a return value. Under
OS 9
I have never seen this happen, and expected the behavior to be that one
application would get noErr and the other would get afpAlreadyMounted.
using an AFPXVolMountInfo record with an alternate address of
kAFPTagTypeIPPort, and connecting to Mac OS X Server 10.1.4.
Having said that, here's some code I currently use to find a mounted
or mount it if I don't find it (the code's ugly as hell because I hope
someday it will just go away and so don't feel like making it pretty):
bool MountRemote( CFDictionaryRef mount, short * volref )
bool status = false;
static CFStringRef ipkey = CFSTR( "ip" ), portkey = CFSTR( "port"
userkey = CFSTR( "user" ),
pwdkey = CFSTR( "password" ), volkey = CFSTR(
"volume" );
CFStringRef ip, port, usr, pwd, vol;
ip = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( mount, ipkey );
port = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( mount, portkey );
usr = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( mount, userkey );
pwd = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( mount, pwdkey );
vol = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( mount, volkey );
if( ip && usr && pwd && vol )
status = MountShare( volref, ip, port, vol, usr, pwd );
LogErr( "incomplete mount info" );
CheckSuccess( status, "mounting remote volume" );
return status;
bool MountShare( short * volref, CFStringRef ipstr, CFStringRef
CFStringRef vol, CFStringRef usr, CFStringRef pwd )
bool status = false;
OSStatus err;
unsigned char ip[6];
AFPXVolMountInfo info;
if( buildip( ipstr, portstr, ip ) )
buildafpx( vol, usr, pwd, ip, &info );
ParamBlockRec params;
params.ioParam.ioBuffer = (char *) &info;
err = ::PBVolumeMount( ¶ms );
if( !err )
status = true;
*volref = params.ioParam.ioVRefNum; // under Classic this
not set the volref if the vol was already mounted
else if( err == afpAlreadyMounted ) // thus the need to
iterate over
mounted volumes looking for the one that matches
LogMessage( "volume already mounted, comparing to mounted
volumes: " );
ItemCount nsvcnt = 0;
for( ItemCount i = 1; !status; i++ )
FSRef dummyroot;
FSVolumeRefNum refnum;
HFSUniStr255 uniname;
err = ::FSGetVolumeInfo( kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum, i,
kFSVolInfoNone, NULL, &uniname, &dummyroot );
if( !err )
char cname[256];
uni2c( &uniname, cname );
LogMessage4( " ", i, ": ", cname );
// but it gets worse: under Classic
PBGetVolMountInfoSize hangs and PBGetVolMountInfo always returns
// while PBHGetVInfoSync returns incorrect info in
HParamBlockRec hparams;
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer gvpib;
hparams.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
hparams.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = refnum;
hparams.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0;
hparams.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &gvpib;
hparams.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof( gvpib );
// so we assume that if the volume is remote and
has the
same name then it's the right one
err = ::PBHGetVolParmsSync( &hparams );
CheckErr( err, "getting volume parameters" );
LogMessage2( " server address: ",
if( !err && gvpib.vMServerAdr != 0 )
HFSUniStr255 uniname2;
uniname2.length = ::CFStringGetLength( vol );
CFRange rng = { 0, uniname2.length };
::CFStringGetCharacters( vol, rng,
if( unieq( &uniname, &uniname2 ) )
LogMessage2( " matched by volref ",
status = true;
*volref = refnum;
else if( err == nsvErr && nsvcnt < 4 )
else if( err == nsvErr || i >= 255 )
CheckErr( err, "getting indexed volume info" );
CheckErr( err, "mounting share" );
return status;
bool buildip( CFStringRef ipstr, CFStringRef portstr, UInt8 ip[6] )
bool ret = false;
CFArrayRef strs = ::CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings( NULL,
CFSTR( "." ) );
if( strs )
CFIndex numstrs = ::CFArrayGetCount( strs );
if( numstrs == 4 )
long ip0, ip1, ip2, ip3, port;
ip0 = ::CFStringGetIntValue( (CFStringRef)
::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( strs, 0 ) );
ip1 = ::CFStringGetIntValue( (CFStringRef)
::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( strs, 1 ) );
ip2 = ::CFStringGetIntValue( (CFStringRef)
::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( strs, 2 ) );
ip3 = ::CFStringGetIntValue( (CFStringRef)
::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( strs, 3 ) );
if( portstr )
port = ::CFStringGetIntValue( portstr );
port = 548;
if( ip0 >= 0 && ip0 <= 255 &&
ip1 >= 0 && ip1 <= 255 &&
ip2 >= 0 && ip2 <= 255 &&
ip3 >= 0 && ip3 <= 255 &&
port >= 1 && port <= 65535 )
ret = true;
ip[0] = ip0;
ip[1] = ip1;
ip[2] = ip2;
ip[3] = ip3;
ip[4] = ( port >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF;
ip[5] = port & 0x000000FF;
::CFRelease( strs );
if( !ret )
LogErr4( "illegal value in ip or port ", ipstr, ":", portstr );
return ret;
void buildafpx( CFStringRef vol, CFStringRef usr, CFStringRef pwd,
ip[4], AFPXVolMountInfo * info )
unsigned char * base = (unsigned char *) info, * cur = (unsigned
char *)
if( (unsigned long) cur % 2 )
*cur = 0;
long nulloff = cur - base;
if( (unsigned long) cur % 2 )
long srvroff = cur - base;
*cur++ = 1;
*cur++ = '*';
if( (unsigned long) cur % 2 )
::CFStringGetCString( vol, (char *) cur + 1, 31,
kCFStringEncodingMacRoman );
*cur = strlen( (char *) cur + 1 );
long voloff = cur - base;
cur += *cur + 1;
if( (unsigned long) cur % 2 )
::CFStringGetCString( usr, (char *) cur + 1, 31,
kCFStringEncodingMacRoman );
*cur = strlen( (char *) cur + 1 );
long usroff = cur - base;
cur += *cur + 1;
if( (unsigned long) cur % 2 )
::CFStringGetCString( pwd, (char *) cur + 1, 31,
kCFStringEncodingMacRoman );
*cur = strlen( (char *) cur + 1 );
long pwdoff = cur - base;
cur += *cur + 1;
if( (unsigned long) cur % 2 )
long afpoff = cur - base;
*cur++ = 0;
*cur++ = 1;
*cur++ = kAFPTagLengthIPPort;
*cur++ = kAFPTagTypeIPPort;
*cur++ = ip[0];
*cur++ = ip[1];
*cur++ = ip[2];
*cur++ = ip[3];
*cur++ = ip[4];
*cur++ = ip[5];
info->length = cur - base;
info->media = AppleShareMediaType;
info->flags = volMountNoLoginMsgFlagMask |
info->nbpInterval = 0;
info->nbpCount = 0;
info->uamType = kEncryptPassword;
info->zoneNameOffset = nulloff;
info->serverNameOffset = srvroff;
info->volNameOffset = voloff;
info->userNameOffset = usroff;
info->userPasswordOffset = pwdoff;
info->volPasswordOffset = nulloff;
info->extendedFlags = kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask;
info->uamNameOffset = nulloff;
info->alternateAddressOffset = afpoff;
info->AFPData[0] = 0;
bool offeq( const AFPXVolMountInfo * info1, short off1, const
AFPXVolMountInfo * info2, short off2 )
bool ret = true;
unsigned char * cur1 = ( (unsigned char *) info1 ) + off1;
unsigned char * cur2 = ( (unsigned char *) info2 ) + off2;
unsigned char * end = cur1 + *cur1;
while( cur1 <= end && ret )
ret = *cur1++ == *cur2++;
return ret;
bool unieq( const HFSUniStr255 * str1, const HFSUniStr255 * str2 )
bool ret;
if( str1->length == str2->length )
ret = true;
const UniChar * c1 = str1->unicode, * c2 = str2->unicode, *
end =
str1->unicode + str1->length;
while( c1 < end && ret )
ret = *c1++ == *c2++;
ret = false;
return ret;
void uni2c( const HFSUniStr255 * uni, char * c )
for( int i = 0; i < uni->length; i++ )
c[i] = uni->unicode[i] & 0x007F;
c[uni->length] = 0;
Scott Ribe
(303) 665-7007 voice
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