I was playing around with a test project and exported an XML file. The duration and offset timebases of the media are predictable: 2400, 48000, 50, etc.
However, the marker start times seem to have bizarre timebases. Why is the timebase for the start position not inherited from the clip or project timebase like the duration?
Here's a sample of the XML file. You can see that the marker durations are all "100/2400s" but the start times all have different and seemingly random timebases. Is this by design or is it a bug? The FCP XML guide doesn't mention it.
<clip name="90-8+_ProRes_Proxy" duration="37s" audioStart="0s" audioDuration="90000/2400s" format="r2" tcFormat="NDF">
<video ref="r4" duration="90000/2400s">
<audio lane="-1" ref="r4" duration="1800000/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<clip lane="1" offset="67700/2400s" name="90-8+_ProRes_Proxy" duration="28700/2400s" start="42000/2400s" tcFormat="NDF">
<video ref="r4" duration="90000/2400s">
<audio lane="-1" ref="r4" duration="1800000/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<clip lane="-1" offset="76500/2400s" name="90-8+_ProRes_Proxy" duration="28700/2400s" start="42000/2400s" tcFormat="NDF">
<video ref="r4" duration="90000/2400s">
<audio lane="-1" ref="r4" duration="1800000/48000s" role="dialogue"/>
<marker start="22/3s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 1"/>
<marker start="221/24s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 2"/>
<marker start="113/12s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 3"/>
<marker start="21/2s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 4"/>
<marker start="34/3s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 5"/>
<marker start="277/24s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 6"/>
<marker start="151/12s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 7"/>
<marker start="305/24s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 8"/>
<marker start="27/2s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 9"/>
<marker start="109/8s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 10"/>
<marker start="113/8s" duration="100/2400s" value="Marker 11"/>
Jon Chappell.
CEO, Digital Rebellion LLC.