ProfCast Mobile - ProfCast for the iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch
I am happy to announce the launch of the ProfCast Mobile Kickstarter campaign. This
campaign started on Wednesday, May 18th and will run through June 19th. ProfCast Mobile is an app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch that will allow users to create, deliver, and record presentations from their iOS device.
Humble Daisy has decided to turn to crowd-funding to raise support for ProfCast Mobile. Crowd-funding is a way of raising money by attracting many small donations from a large group. We have set a funding goal of $15000.00. You will only pay if we receive enough pledges to reach that target. (So, essentially, it's all or nothing. If we don't get enough pledges to be successful, nobody pays.)
Here are the details;
ProfCast Mobile is a full presentation suite for creating, delivering and recording presentations from your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.
Users can create presentations adding text, images,and transitions. When they are ready to deliver their presentation, they can simply plug their device into a VGA or Digital AV adapter and the presentation will be displayed on the external display. The best part is, ProfCast Mobile records the presenter as they give their presentation. The result will be a movie with the slides and audio in sync. Users can then share the recordings via email, download to their computer or post them on YouTube all from their iOS device.
ProfCast Mobile will be the most easy to use presentation/demo recording tool for your iOS device.
We wanted to make contributing compelling so we have come up with some incentives for funders at various levels. This project has until June 19th, 2011 to reach our goal so we encourage you to contribute now!
The incentives include;
- Donate $10 or more and you have purchased a copy of ProfCast Mobile upon it's release.
- Donate $35 or more and you will receive all of the stuff above plus Acknowledgment on the ProfCast Mobile website.
- Donate $60 or more and you will receive all of the above plus a FREE upgrade to ProfCast HD for Macintosh when it is released.
- Donate $100 or more and you will receive all of the stuff above plus an Apple VGA Adapter
- Donate $250 or more and you will receive all of the stuff above plus 20 copies of ProfCast Mobile upon it's release (for use in an academic institution).
- Donate $500 or more and you will receive all of the stuff above plus Your name will appear as a Benefactor on the ProfCast Mobile web site saying "ProfCast Mobile was made possible by; YOUR NAME" - 30 copies of ProfCast Mobile upon it's release (for use in an academic institution).
- Donate $1500 or more and you will receive all of the stuff above plus An iPAD 2 with "ProfCast Mobile Backer" inscribed on the back. iPad 2 will be WiFi + 3G, 32g, black or white.
- Donate $5000 or more and you will receive all of the stuff above plus We will name a ProfCast Mobile presentation theme after you. The themes will be on every single ProfCast Mobile application. This is a chance to immortalize yourself on a future popular iPad app, and show your support for ProfCast Mobile to everyone who uses the application.
![Support ProfCast HD at]()
To contribute, please visit
We hope you will join us in supporting our project and tell your friends!
Most thankfully,
Dave Chmura
Chief Instigator
Humble Daisy, Inc.
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