Changes to a shared profile or changes to the systems because users are admins?
In our normal iMac lab we have a “default” user in /User/default that gets copied to the AD account profile on login. Similar to the default account template
built into OS X - /System/Library/User\ Template/English.lproj/. The benefit is that users can change their profile as much as the want (not admins) and on subsequent logins they get the base profile they need to use the system. It is easier to modify on
the fly than the /System/* template because I can login to Default and make changes without copying files around.
We have 6 shared systems for video editing that took some local permission and OD work to get right. The systems auto-login to a shared non admin account,
we use OD/Work Group manager to set the Dock, and local *nix permissions so they can’t delete desktop icons. The can delete each other’s files if left on the system, but that hasn’t been a problem in 2-3 years.
I have used DeepFreeze in the past and we do in our specialized PC labs, but I haven’t felt the need for it in our OS X labs.
We have used BootPicker on our dual boot iMac lab for 3+ years without any problems.
Eric Schneider
From: rockies-edu-bounces+eschneid=email@hidden [mailto:rockies-edu-bounces+eschneid=email@hidden]
On Behalf Of Chandler, Derek
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 8:25 AM
To: email@hidden
Subject: [Rockies-Edu] iMac Computer Lab
I am wanting to put in a iMac lab. However, I want it to dual boot with Windows. I know about boot camp and VM Ware fusion. However, is their an easy software that will allow the user, when approaching the computer, to choose which operating
system they want to use? I have seen it in hotel business centers. Example.
Also, is their a mac software that wipe away all changes that are done in the lab every night. Similar to what happens in the Apple Store?
Director of Technology
J.K. Mullen High School
3601 South Lowell Boulevard
Denver, CO 80236
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