Re: 5.2.3 Problem with Schedualing
Re: 5.2.3 Problem with Schedualing
- Subject: Re: 5.2.3 Problem with Schedualing
- From: steve stout <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 22:53:08 -0700
In JavaMonitor, in the Additional Arguments field, add
"-WODirectConnectEnabled false". I had this problem once.
What version did you upgrade from?
On Mar 18, 2004, at 7:56 PM, Owen McKerrow wrote:
Thanks for the response Ray. Im not sure what you mean however.
The message is being emailed to us, we override App's
handleException() which basically catches all exceptions and email's
a copy of them to us and returns a nice user friendly error page.
Now with the one below it is being sent at 3 in the morning the same
time the App's are scheduled to restart under JavaMonitor.
So if I understand what you are saying ( which I don't think I do )
you are suggesting that we have direct Connect mode on and that is
causing the exception to be thrown when the scheduled restart happens
On 19/03/2004, at 12:07 PM, Ray Kiddy wrote:
The line of code you are pointing to is throwing an exception which
should say:
Cannot refuse new sessions when in development mode (direct connect
So, if you have direct connect enabled in your app, we should not be
calling refuseNewSessions(). So, either that exception is getting
caught and logged and your app is shutting down without having locked
out new sessions, or your app is just terminating at that point.
Did you switch the app to allowing direct connect? Could you be doing
that without realizing?
thanx - ray
On Mar 18, 2004, at 2:34 PM, Owen McKerrow wrote:
Hi All,
Since upgrading our OS X server the other day to 5.2.3 our nightly
schedualed restarts seem to be having a small probelm. We recive
this message below. They still restart and seem tto be working fine.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour ? Any suggestions as to how to
stop it from happening ?
Begin forwarded message:
From: email@hidden
Date: 19 March 2004 3:00:08 AM
To: email@hidden, email@hidden
Cc: email@hidden
Subject: RILE Website Error
2004-03-18 16:00:00 Etc/GMT
at refuseNewSessions(
at instanceRequestAction(
at invoke(
at invoke(
at invoke(
at performActionNamed(
at _handleRequest(
at handleRequest(
at dispatchRequest(
at dispatchRequest(
at runOnce(
at run(
at run(
"As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building
using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday
employees will receive their cards in two weeks."
- "Dilbert Quotes" Winner, Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp
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