Sorry if this is dirt simply but I seem to be missing something that every google search, as well as page 170 in Joshua Marker's book suggest should work.
I have a small app where there is an WOHyperlink called "Submit new idea" that calls a method that creates a new "Idea" object and the returns a new "EditIdea" page.
public EditIdea submitIdeaAction() { EditIdea nextPage = (EditIdea) pageWithName("EditIdea");
// Initialize your component here EOEditingContext ec = session().defaultEditingContext(); ec.revert();
Idea aNewIdea = (Idea) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, "Idea");
nextPage.editIdea = aNewIdea;
return nextPage;
In the Idea class (which is an EOGenerator class) has a constructor method that by sets the status of the class to "PROPOSED".
private static final String PROPOSED = "P";
public Idea() { super(); setProposedStatus(); } public void setProposedStatus() { setStatus(PROPOSED); }
However, by the time I get to the EditIdea page, the Idea's status is null. Huh? I know the constructor above is getting called, but I don't know why it gets reset on the EditIdea page.
Help please! Tarun